History of Rugby


Discover the Fascinating History of Rugby on Our Website

Welcome to our series of articles dedicated to the history of rugby! Here, we will explore the origins of this exciting sport, its curiosities, and its global expansion. From the first match at Rugby School to the thrilling modern competitions, we will provide you with a comprehensive view of how rugby has evolved and become a worldwide phenomenon. Don’t miss our detailed articles to learn all about the key moments and legendary figures that have shaped the history of rugby.

1. The myth of the origin of Rugby – William Webb Ellis
2. History of Rugby: The Dawn of Sports in British Public Schools: Shaping Education,
3. History of Rugby: Thomas Arnold. The Architect of Modern Rugby
4, History of Rugby: Harpastum. The Ancient Roots of Modern Rugby in Europe
5.History of Rugby: The Origins and Evolution of Medieval Football
6. History of Rugby: The Ancient Game of La Soule. A Historical Precursor to Modern Rugby
7. History of Rugby: The Ancient Echoes of Calcio Storico in Modern Rugby
8. History of Rugby: Rugby School and the Birth of Rugby
9. The First Rules of Rugby and Their Early Changes – A Historical Overview